10 vitamins Every man requires post 30

As Said Always, Best source of all vitamins and minerals comes from the food to you eat.

Vitamin D

Most of us know we can get vitamin D from the sun, it’s worth knowing, too, that it’s available in fatty fish and fortified foods.

This vitamin is essential for bone health and immune and muscle function.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in various animal-derived foods, including meat, poultry, and fish.

Individuals following a vegetarian or vegan diet should consider taking a B12 supplement or consuming fortified food.

Vitamin B6

You can get vitamin B6 from fish, poultry, and whole grains. Many seeds and nuts, too, have vitamin B6, almonds, pistachio, and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B6 is essential for producing red blood cells, the metabolism of protein, and the function of the immune system. 


According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), men require 440 mg of magnesium per day.

 Magnesium is an essential mineral that can help boost energy levels and reduce tiredness by playing a critical role in energy metabolism.


Zinc is also known to support immune function, helping to activate enzymes involved in the immune response and promote overall well-being.

It plays a pivotal role in supporting the proper functioning of the male reproductive system, including sperm production, prostate health, and testosterone synthesis. 

Omega 3

Omega-3’s are important because consuming them helps people maintain the proper ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which ideally is 1:1.

Omega-3’s are famously found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel, but they are also present in high amounts in foods such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Vitamin k

You can get vitamin K from spinach, kale, lettuce, broccoli, soybeans, blueberries, figs, meat, cheese, eggs, and vegetable oils.

Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting and healthy bones. 


You can get iron from meat (especially red meat and liver), seafood, lentils, beans, tofu, cashews, and broccoli.

Vegetarians need to consume almost twice as much iron daily because the iron in plant-based food is less available to the body than the iron found in animal products.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A keeps your heart, lungs, liver and other organs working properly. Also called beta-carotene, it’s important for reproductive, vision and immune system health.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects our cells from free radicals, boosts our immune system and helps prevent blood clots.

You can get vitamin E from sunflower, safflower and wheatgerm oils, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, spinach, Swiss chard, avocados and butternut squash.