Is Overboiling Milk Tea Harmful to Your Health? Expert Insights on Possible Side Effects

Milk tea is a morning staple in almost every Indian household, and many enjoy multiple cups throughout the day to stay active or satisfy sweet cravings. However, new guidelines from the ICMR warn against excessive consumption of milk tea and coffee, as the tannins in these caffeinated beverages can hinder iron absorption. Nutrition experts also caution against excessively boiling milk tea, which can diminish nutrients, cause acidity, and potentially produce carcinogens.

Side Effects of Overboiling Milk Tea

Nutrient Loss: Prolonged boiling can degrade nutrients in milk, such as vitamins B12 and C.

Taste Alteration: Overboiling can impart a burnt taste to the milk, which is generally unwelcome.

Harmful Compounds: High temperatures can trigger the Maillard reaction, where lactose reacts with milk proteins, potentially forming harmful compounds if consumed in large quantities over time.

Changes in Tea Compounds: Boiling tea for too long can break down beneficial compounds like catechins and polyphenols, reducing the antioxidant properties of the tea.

Potential Carcinogens: Overheating can produce compounds like acrylamide, especially if carbohydrates are present. Acrylamide is a potential carcinogen, though typical overboiling of milk tea is unlikely to produce significant quantities.

Digestive Discomfort: Overboiling can denature proteins in milk, altering their structure and potentially making them more difficult to digest.

Acidity and pH Changes: Overboiling may alter the pH of milk tea, making it more acidic. This can exacerbate symptoms like heartburn or stomach discomfort.

Occasional overboiling of milk tea is unlikely to be harmful, but consistently doing so might reduce its nutritional benefits and potentially introduce undesirable compounds. To avoid these issues, it is advisable to refrain from prolonged boiling of milk tea.