New Brain Study reveals a link between loneliness and sugar craving

By Nikita Agrawal Apr 18, 2024 #loneliness

Findings revealed those who experienced loneliness or isolation had a higher percentage of body fat and displayed more poor eating behaviors, such as food addiction and uncontrolled eating.

The researchers found that women who had higher levels of social isolation tended to have higher fat mass, lower diet quality, greater cravings, reward-based eating, and uncontrolled eating, and increased levels of anxiety and depression.

Scientists used MRI scans to monitor how the participants responded to abstract images of sweet and savory foods. 

The results showed those who experienced isolation had the most activity in certain regions of the brain that play a key role in responding to sugar cravings.

When people are alone or lonely, it impacts more than how they are feeling; they underreport what they eat, their desire to eat, and their cravings especially for unhealthy foods.

However, it’s not unusual to crave for high carbs, sugar, sweets and chocolates when you are feeling low or depressed. These sugar cravings can be your body’s way to let you know that it is deprived of something you need like a specific vitamin or mineral.

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