The much-anticipated finale of Bigg Boss 8 Telugu has come to an end, with TV actor Nikhil Maliyakkal emerging as the winner. Gautam Krishna, a young doctor-turned-actor, secured the runner-up position and posed a strong challenge to Nikhil throughout the competition, especially after entering the show as a wild card contestant.
Gautam’s fans are upset and have raised accusations of favoritism, alleging that Nikhil’s victory was influenced by his connection to the channel. Social media is abuzz with claims that Gautam, despite receiving significant votes, lost out due to Nikhil’s associations.
Gautam’s popularity surged as regional loyalties played a part in the audience’s preferences, with many viewers supporting him due to his Telugu roots, in contrast to Nikhil, who hails from Karnataka. However, it’s important to note that Gautam joined the show six weeks later than the rest of the contestants, while Nikhil had been part of the show from the very beginning.