aami’s upcoming adventure drama delves into the intriguing tale of Vishwaksen, portraying him as an Aghora afflicted with a rare condition, barring him from the touch of human contact. Directed by Vidhyadhar Kagita and produced by Karthik Sabareesh under Karthik Kult Kreations, this cinematic venture receives its funding from the crowd, with V. Celluloid presenting it to audiences.
The anticipation surrounding the film has been palpable since the release of its first look, making video, and other promotional materials, all of which have piqued the curiosity of viewers. Recently, the team unveiled a tantalizing teaser introducing the key characters. The teaser commences with a gripping voiceover hinting at a potential cure for Vishwak Sen’s affliction. Notable actors such as M.G. Abhinaya, Chandini Chowdary, and others are introduced in succession, leading to the revelation of Vishwak’s character as the enigmatic Aghora named Shankar.
“Do you think I can overcome all this and achieve the impossible?” queries Vishwak in a moment of introspection. The teaser culminates with striking visuals of Vishwak and Chandini embarking on a journey through the Himalayan mountains. Notably, the teaser’s meticulous editing and captivating visuals have left audiences intrigued, particularly with the unique aspect ratio employed in juxtaposing shots of Vishwaksen’s childhood with the mountain trek. Speculations abound regarding the deeper meaning conveyed through these contrasting visuals, urging viewers to await further revelations.
Moreover, the team has announced the release of Gaami’s theatrical trailer on February 29, heightening anticipation for the film’s forthcoming release. Harika Pedada and Mohammad Samad are set to portray vital roles alongside Vishwaksen, with Naresh Kumaran crafting the film’s musical score and Vishwanath Reddy and Rampy Nandigam behind the lens. The screenplay, penned by Vidyadhar Kagita and Pratyush Vatyam, promises an immersive cinematic experience.
Mark your calendars as Gaami prepares to grace silver screens on March 8, 2024, inviting audiences to embark on an unforgettable adventure into the enigmatic world of Vishwaksen’s Aghora Shankar.