The film “HanuMan,” initially perceived as a small-budget flick, has undergone a remarkable transformation, enjoying a surge in demand. Even with the simultaneous releases of “Guntur Kaaram” and “Saindhav” in theaters, the enthusiasm for “HanuMan” is not waning; instead, it is on the rise. This trend is expected to persist with the addition of “Naa Saami Ranga” to the box office tomorrow. Interestingly, this surge in demand for “HanuMan” tickets has resulted in their unavailability.
Securing two or three tickets for the same theater has become a challenging task in Hyderabad. On platforms like Book My Show, “HanuMan” tickets are being sold at an impressive rate of 25,000 per hour on average, underscoring its unprecedented demand. In contrast, “Guntur Kaaram” is struggling to reach even 10,000 ticket sales.
As of January 16, finding tickets for “HanuMan” in any main center appears to be a daunting task. Despite an increase in screens in Andhra Pradesh, the demand continues to escalate. Reports suggest that “HanuMan’s” first-day global gross has reached approximately 22 crores, including premiere shows.
Considering the fierce competition, one can only speculate how much higher this number could have been if the film had a solo release. The film’s team is ecstatic about the initial success, and despite potential challenges in the first week related to theater availability, they remain optimistic about an increased screen count in the second week.
Bollywood analysts are projecting that the Hindi version will earn over two crores in the North on the release day. Official numbers are expected to be released soon, further documenting the film’s impressive performance.