Tollywood veteran actor Mohan Babu finds himself embroiled in a family feud involving his younger son, actor Manchu Manoj. The tension reached a boiling point when Manoj reportedly created chaos at Mohan Babu’s farmhouse, leading to a dramatic escalation. During the incident, Mohan Babu allegedly attacked a media reporter covering the developments, prompting the Police Commissioner to take serious notice and summon the actor. In response, Mohan Babu approached the High Court for relief.
In a significant turn of events, the High Court has granted relief to Mohan Babu by exempting him from appearing before the police. Additionally, the court has directed the police to refrain from taking any action against Mohan Babu or his family until a final judgment is passed. The order also temporarily suspends the police directive requiring Mohan Babu to surrender his private weapons.
Meanwhile, Mohan Babu was admitted to a hospital by his family, citing high blood pressure and physical strain, further influencing the court’s decision.
On the other hand, Manchu Manoj seems unrelenting in his stance. Reports suggest the feud centers on disputes over family assets and property distribution, with Manoj allegedly demanding his rightful share. As tensions persist, all eyes are on the family to see how this drama unfolds.