Talented writer-director Harish Shankar encountered a significant setback with Mr Bachchan, a remake of the Bollywood film Raid. Currently, Harish is awaiting Pawan Kalyan’s availability to commence work on Ustaad Bhagat Singh, a remake of the Tamil film Theri. Over recent months, Harish has made substantial revisions to the script, and the final version is now ready. Pawan Kalyan is expected to start filming after wrapping up his ongoing projects, Hari Hara Veera Mallu and OG.
In the meantime, Harish Shankar is also developing a script for Balakrishna. The duo has been in discussions about collaborating for a while, with producer S Naga Vamsi facilitating talks. If all goes well, this project will be produced under Naga Vamsi’s banner. Currently, Harish is refining the script and will proceed based on Balakrishna’s feedback.
Additionally, Harish Shankar is in preliminary talks with actor Ram for a potential project, though no significant updates have surfaced. For now, Harish’s immediate priority remains completing Ustaad Bhagat Singh before embarking on any new ventures.