Renowned Mega Powerstar Ram Charan is all set to embark on his next cinematic ventures. Titled “Game Changer,” his upcoming project is under the direction of Shankar Shanmugam. In addition, the celebrated RRR star is venturing into another captivating journey with director Buchi Babu Sana, known for the hit film Uppena, in RC 16.
Today, the filmmakers have officially unveiled the exciting news: Janhvi Kapoor has been cast as the female lead in RC 16. Alongside this announcement, an enchanting poster featuring Janhvi in traditional attire has been released, sparking enthusiasm among fans.
This marks Janhvi’s second foray into Tollywood, following her notable role in Jr NTR’s “Devara: Part 1.” Proudly presented by the esteemed production house Mythri Movie Makers, RC 16 is a collaboration between Venkata Satish Kilaru of Vriddhi Cinemas and Sukumar Writings. Expectations are soaring with the legendary AR Rahman on board to compose the musical score. Stay tuned for further updates on this highly anticipated project.