Tamil actor Jayam Ravi recently announced his separation from his wife Aarti, sending shockwaves through the industry. However, Aarti quickly responded, claiming that the decision was made without her knowledge or consent. Known for maintaining a professional image and avoiding controversy, Jayam Ravi’s divorce news has left the Tamil film industry puzzled.
In her statement, Aarti expressed her efforts to save their relationship, revealing her surprise over the announcement. According to rumors circulating on leading portals, Jayam Ravi is allegedly involved in a secret relationship with a Bengaluru-based singer. The pair reportedly vacationed in Goa, and both were fined at different times for overspeeding, which Aarti discovered. This revelation is speculated to be the reason behind the couple’s separation.
The situation remains unclear, with fans and the industry keenly awaiting further details.
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