“Despite the lukewarm response to his recent film, ‘The Family Star,’ Telugu heartthrob Vijay Deverakonda remains undeterred as he plunges into his next venture, a high-octane spy thriller (VD 12) helmed by the talented Gowtam Tinnanuri.
The film’s production kicked off in Hyderabad recently, with Vijay Deverakonda already immersing himself in pivotal scenes. Now, anticipation mounts as the movie gears up for its next leg of shooting in Vizag, set to commence on April 28, 2024, as per insider reports awaiting official confirmation.
In a strategic collaboration, Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas have come together to bring this ambitious spy thriller to life, promising audiences a cinematic spectacle like never before. The casting process is in full swing, with Bhagyashree Borse and Mamitha Baiju emerging as potential contenders for the coveted female lead role.
Presented by Srikara Studios and featuring the musical wizardry of Anirudh Ravichander, this project signals Vijay Deverakonda’s unwavering commitment to delivering compelling narratives on the silver screen, setting the stage for another thrilling cinematic experience.”