A series of unexpected and dramatic incidents occurred near the residence of Tollywood actor Mohan Babu last night. The chaos began when actor Manoj was reportedly denied entry into the house. In response, Manoj allegedly forced his way in by breaking the gates of the property. The situation quickly escalated when a TV9 journalist approached Mohan Babu to seek clarification about the ongoing commotion.
In a shocking turn of events, allegedly attacked the journalist, leaving him severely injured. The injured journalist was immediately rushed to a private hospital for medical attention. Following this incident, a case was registered against Mohan Babu at the Pahadi Shareef Police Station. He was charged under Section 118 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS). Law enforcement authorities also instructed both Mohan Babu and his son Vishnu to surrender their firearms at the police station.
The aftermath of the incident took a toll on Mohan Babu’s health. He was rushed to Continental Hospitals in Gachibowli, where he received medical treatment. Hospital sources confirmed that his condition is stable, and he is expected to be discharged soon.
Prior to the incident, Mohan Babu had released an emotional audio statement, shedding light on his strained relationship with his son Manoj. He revealed that Manoj was his most pampered child but lamented that Manoj had failed to uphold dignity in his actions. According to Mohan Babu, Manoj’s struggle with alcoholism had been a source of constant turmoil in the family.
The unfolding events have cast a spotlight on the internal rift within the Manchu family, drawing public and media attention. The altercation with the journalist has also sparked criticism, with many arguing that the incident has tarnished Mohan Babu’s reputation and stature in the film industry. The situation continues to develop as the police investigation progresses.