Hero Nani was the chief guest at the pre-release event for Nabha Natesh and Priyadarshi’s upcoming comedy film, “Darling.” In a heartfelt speech, the “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” actor expressed his hopes for “Darling” to become a massive hit like “Hanu-Man,” both of which were produced by Niranjan Reddy.
“Darling’s teaser and trailer are highly entertaining. I’ve heard that the film revolves around the split personality disorder of the ‘Lady Aparichitudu’ character, played by Nabha. I can only imagine the amount of comedy her character will bring. Nabha overcame a major accident during the shoot. I believe ‘Darling’ will be a turning point in her career,” said the Natural Star.
Nani also expressed his confidence in Priyadarshi’s talent-spotting abilities and praised director Ashwin Raam’s evident skills, as seen in the teaser and trailer. “I found a good friend in Darshi. I’m generally a private person and don’t interact with many people, but I bonded well with Darshi during the Goa schedule of ‘Hi Nanna’,” Nani shared.
Highlighting a significant trend in Telugu cinema, Nani commented on the industry’s focus on varied genres in recent years. “We’ve predominantly been producing action dramas, neglecting the comedy and romance genres. This has led to monotony for the audience. Last year, I brought a film with love and emotion (‘Ante Sundaraniki’), and now Darshi is bringing one with love and comedy,” Nani said.
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