In an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Reporter India, Nayanthara addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding the unauthorized use of a clip from the 2015 film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in her Netflix documentary, Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale. This came after she published a scathing open letter to her former co-star and producer, Dhanush, following his lawsuit over the matter.
Nayanthara, who chose to remain silent initially, clarified that her actions were not a publicity stunt. She emphasized that her courage stemmed from her truth. “Courage only comes from the truth. I only have to be scared when I’m fabricating something. If I’m not doing that, I don’t have to be scared,” she explained. Nayanthara reiterated that she was not looking to tarnish anyone’s reputation for the sake of publicity, stating that her documentary was never about whether the film was a success or failure but rather about sharing her personal story with audiences.
Regarding the clip, Nayanthara revealed that the footage in question was a behind-the-scenes shot taken by a crew member, not a part of the official contract. She believed that Dhanush, being a well-respected actor, would have let the issue go. However, after the trailer’s release, the situation escalated, which Nayanthara found “unfair.” She had hoped to resolve the matter peacefully and even reached out to Dhanush’s manager to arrange a call, expressing a desire to clear the air for the sake of future cordiality.
This situation marked a notable rift between the two, with their strained interaction at a recent wedding making headlines. Despite the conflict, Nayanthara stressed that she was not seeking drama but merely wanted to defend her actions, driven by what she believed was right.