The excitement surrounding the release of Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2: The Rule turned somber following a tragic incident at the Sandhya 70mm Theater at RTC X Roads in Hyderabad. A stampede occurred during Allu Arjun’s visit to the theater, resulting in the heartbreaking death of a woman named Revathi. Her 13-year-old son, Sreethej, sustained critical injuries in the chaos.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Central Zone, Hyderabad, released a statement addressing the unfortunate incident. According to the DCP, the theater management failed to implement adequate security measures to control the large crowd, despite being informed of the actor’s arrival. Additionally, there were no designated entry or exit points for Allu Arjun and his team, exacerbating the situation.
A case has been registered under Section 105 and 118(1) r/w 3(5) of the BNS Act, based on a complaint filed by Revathi’s family. The DCP assured that strict legal action will be taken against those responsible for the mismanagement that led to the tragedy. Investigations are ongoing to ensure accountability for this devastating incident.