Renowned cinematographer K.K. Senthil Kumar, known for his stellar work in several Rajamouli films, is facing a profound personal loss today. Tragically, his beloved wife, Ruhee, passed away this evening at KIMS Hospital, Secunderabad, after battling severe health issues for several days.
The couple, who tied the knot in 2009, shared a deep bond. Ruhee, a dedicated yoga instructor, had also collaborated extensively with leading actress Anushka Shetty. It’s been reported that Ruhee’s health had been ailing since her battle with COVID-19.
Unfortunately, Ruhee’s condition took a turn for the worse today, leading to multiple organ failure and her untimely demise. Her passing has sent shockwaves through the industry, with celebrities offering heartfelt tributes to Senthil Kumar and his family during this difficult time.