In a groundbreaking revelation, Tamil actor Vishal has declared his entry into the political arena, sending shockwaves across the industry. Amid discussions about his upcoming film “Rathnam,” directed by Hari, the release of the film’s trailer further heightened anticipation. During an interview, Vishal confirmed his political aspirations, stating his definitive decision to step into politics, albeit without disclosing details about party affiliations or alliances.
Vishal’s journey into politics marks a significant transition for the actor, who previously gained prominence as the president of Nadigar Sangam, the Actors Association in Kollywood. His past engagements in the political realm, including speculation surrounding a potential bid during a by-election in Tamil Nadu, have now culminated in this decisive move.
Coinciding with Vishal’s announcement, fellow actor Vijay has formally unveiled his political party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), affirming his commitment to prioritizing politics post his current film projects. With both Vishal and Vijay poised to contest the 2026 state elections, the landscape of Tamil Nadu politics is set for a dramatic evolution, as two prominent actors embark on a new chapter beyond the silver screen.