“The highly anticipated film, ‘The Kerala Story,’ originally released in theaters in May of the previous year, has now found its way to the OTT platform. Directed by Sudipto Sen, the movie achieved blockbuster status, raking in an impressive 250Cr Net in India. However, it was not without its fair share of controversies, mainly related to its storyline.
The digital rights for ‘The Kerala Story’ were acquired by ZEE5, with the initial streaming date set for June 23, 2023. Regrettably, the release faced delays due to political reasons. Recent updates suggest that the film is currently undergoing a recensoring process to transition from an ‘A’ certificate to ‘U/A.’ Some scenes are reportedly being trimmed to mitigate potential political sensitivities.
In the final stages of discussions, the film is expected to make its debut on ZEE5 later this month. The cast, featuring Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Siddhi Idnani, and Sonia Balani, contributes to the narrative centered around more than 32,000 Kerala women allegedly radicalized by Islamic fundamentalists. However, controversy arose, leading to a revision of the number to three, amidst online protests accusing the filmmakers of spreading misinformation.
‘The Kerala Story’ follows the lives of Shalini Unnikrishnan (Adah Sharma), Nimah (Yogita Bihani), and Siddhi Idnani (Geetanjali), who share a room with Asifa (Sonia Balani) in a nursing college in Kasargod, Kerala. The movie explores Asifa’s involvement with ISIS, her indoctrination and brainwashing of the three girls, and the subsequent conversion to Islam, forming the crux of the narrative.”