Tollywood star Vijay Deverakonda is gearing up for his upcoming film, tentatively titled VD12. Directed by Gowtham Tinnanuri of Jersey fame and produced by Naga Vamsi under the Sithara Entertainments banner, this film promises a fresh experience for Vijay’s fans. Recently, Vijay stunned everyone with a semi-bald look and thick beard, a style that now features prominently in the first look poster of VD12.
The first look poster exudes intensity, showing Vijay Deverakonda in a fierce moment, seemingly in the middle of a fight sequence. This marks a new genre for Vijay, who is exploring uncharted territory with this film. Gowtham Tinnanuri, known for the soft-toned Jersey, has created an astonishing setup with VD12. The film’s release date has been confirmed for March 28, 2025, positioning it as a major Summer release.
After the disappointing failure of Family Star, directed by Parasuram, Vijay Deverakonda is eager to make a strong comeback. Family Star was a massive flop from its opening day, causing embarrassment for producer Dil Raju. Vijay’s last hit, Geetha Govindam, dates back to 2018, making VD12 a highly anticipated film for his career revival.