Makkal Selvan Vijay Sethupathi, who recently captivated audiences with his powerful performance in Maharaja, is all set to make waves once again with a pivotal role in Vetrimaaran’s Viduthalai Part 2. The film, which will also release in Telugu as Vidudala Part 2, has completed its censor formalities, receiving an A certificate. The movie’s runtime has been set at 172 minutes (2 hours and 52 minutes), just two minutes longer than its predecessor, Vidudala Part 1.
The runtime has sparked discussions, as Vidudala Part 1 faced mixed reactions from Telugu audiences due to its slow-paced narration, despite having strong content. Director Vetrimaaran’s signature style of deliberate and methodical storytelling has drawn both praise and criticism. With the extended runtime, it remains to be seen if Vidudala Part 2 will overcome these challenges and strike a deeper emotional chord with viewers.
Apart from Vijay Sethupathi, Vidudala Part 2 features a talented ensemble cast, including Soori, Manju Warrier, Anurag Kashyap, Gautam Vasudev Menon, and Rajiv Menon in crucial roles. The film is produced as a joint venture between RS Infotainment and Grassroot Film Company. Adding to the film’s anticipation is the music score by legendary composer Ilaiyaraaja, whose compositions are expected to amplify the film’s emotional depth.
With the release date fast approaching, audiences eagerly await how Viduthalai Part 2 will build on the success of its predecessor and deliver another impactful cinematic experience.