Nandamuri Balakrishna and music director Thaman first collaborated on the film Dictator, and their bond has only grown stronger since then. Their reunion for Akhanda marked a turning point, bringing them even closer. At the pre-release event of Daaku Maharaaj yesterday, Thaman spoke highly of Balakrishna, calling him a father figure and highlighting the special connection they share.
The emotional moment was evident when Balakrishna warmly hugged Thaman and kissed him on the cheek at the event, showcasing a father-son-like relationship that has deepened over the course of three films. After Dictator, Thaman went on to compose music for Akhanda, Veera Simha Reddy, and Bhagavanth Kesari, and now, they are collaborating for their fifth film together, Daaku Maharaaj.
In interviews, Thaman humorously compared himself to Anirudh, saying, “Bakkodu ki Rajinikanth, Bandodu ki Balayya,” meaning Anirudh always gives his best for Rajinikanth, and similarly, Thaman reinvents himself every time he gets the opportunity to work with Balakrishna. This is evident from the unique musical contributions Thaman has made to each of Balakrishna’s films.
Thaman has shown his versatility by adapting his music to match the essence of each film. After delivering a powerful soundtrack for Akhanda, he switched styles for Veera Simha Reddy, bringing a fresh tone to the film. For Bhagavanth Kesari, Thaman tailored his approach once again, perfectly aligning the music with the story’s needs. What truly sets Thaman apart is his ability to elevate Balakrishna’s on-screen presence through his music, creating a dynamic and unforgettable cinematic experience.