Zebra, the highly anticipated financial crime thriller featuring Satya Dev and Daali Dhananjay, directed by Eashvar Karthic, has already made waves in theaters with its compelling narrative. The film, which delves into the world of financial crime, captivated a section of the audience with its intense storytelling.
Aha originally announced that Zebra would be available for Gold subscription users starting December 19, 2024, with general access on December 20, 2024. However, in an exciting turn of events, Aha decided to release the movie today exclusively for Gold users. Others can enjoy the film starting from tomorrow.
Alongside Satya Dev and Daali Dhananjay, the film also stars Sathyaraj, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Sunil, Sathya Akala, Jeniffer Piccinato, and Amrutha Iyengar in key roles. The music for the movie is composed by Ravi Basrur, while the film is produced by SN Bala Sundaram, SN Reddy, and Dinesh Sundaram.
Get ready for an edge-of-your-seat thriller now streaming on Aha.