Telugu Actress Hema Named in Bengaluru Drug Party Chargesheet: Faces NDPS Act Charges

By cinema manishi Sep 12, 2024 #hema

Famous Telugu actress Hema has made headlines after being arrested for her involvement in a drug party in Bengaluru. The police have now submitted a detailed chargesheet regarding the incident, which reveals that Hema, along with 88 other individuals, consumed drugs at the party. The chargesheet names nine key organizers, including Hema’s friends Vasu and Arun, as well as Nigerian national Augustine Dada, who were involved in supplying the drugs.

The medical report confirms that Hema consumed MDMA during the party. The Central Crime Branch of Karnataka filed the chargesheet, citing 82 witnesses, including law enforcement officials, venue employees, and other attendees. The chargesheet also includes forensic evidence and medical reports.

The other 79 individuals accused of drug use at the party have been charged under Section 27(b) of the NDPS Act, which deals with the consumption of narcotic drugs. This section allows for imprisonment of up to six months, a fine of up to ₹10,000, or both. The court is yet to announce the final punishments.

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