Nani has shelved projects with Balagam Venu and Sujeeth.

Currently, Nani is on a month-long holiday in the USA with his family.

He finished shooting Saripodhaa Sanivaaram, set for an August 29th release.

Nani will begin filming HIT 3 this year, playing the role of Arjun Sarkaar IPS

Directed by Sailesh Kolanu, HIT 3’s script is receiving final touches.

Nani’s Wallposter Cinema will produce HIT 3, maintaining a strict budget.

Major portions of HIT 3 will be shot in the scenic locales of Kashmir.

The female lead and supporting actors for HIT 3 are currently being finalized.

Nani will also start shooting for Srikanth Odela’s film this year

Sudhakar Cherukuri will produce Srikanth Odela’s prestigious project with Nani.