Telugu cinema offers a variety of OTT releases this week, spanning action, comedy, and romance.

Mr. Bachchan stars Ravi Teja and Bhagyashri Borse in an action-packed thriller, streaming on Netflix.

Based on a real-life income tax raid, Mr. Bachchan delivers high-intensity drama for action lovers.

Bench Life, a corporate comedy web series, sheds light on workplace realities, starring Vaibhav Reddy.

Bench Life promises a lighthearted look at untold personal stories from the corporate world

Aay, a slice-of-life romantic comedy, explores friendship, romance, and caste systems in the Godavari region.

Missed in theaters? Aay is now available on Netflix with its heartwarming story and humor.

Committee Kurrollu is a comedy set in a peaceful village, focusing on friendships strained by politics.

Watch how Committee Kurrollu explores friendship, division, and ideologies in a small West Godavari village.

Add these Telugu releases to your OTT watchlist this week for varied, exciting entertainment!