What happened on the first earth day?

The first Earth Day has increased environmental awareness in America. Earth Day also led to the passage of the Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts. 

 It is a day when people around the world participate in activities such as planting trees, cleaning up trash, volunteering at local parks and nature reserves, and reducing their carbon footprint by using sustainable transportation and energy.

The original goal of Earth Day was to raise public awareness about environmental issues and mobilize public support for the conservation and protection of the planet.

Earth Day is a commitment to make life better, not just bigger and faster; To provide real rather than rhetorical solutions.

President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon plant a tree on the White House South Lawn to recognize the first Earth Day. The seeds that grew into the first Earth Day were planted by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, when an estimated 20 million people nationwide attended the inaugural events at tens of thousands of sites including elementary and secondary schools, universities, and community sites across the United States.