Hi Nanna 1st week Box office Collections are Good

Natural Star Nani’s latest emotional drama, Hi Nanna, garnered positive responses globally in its opening week, securing a substantial 9.2 Cr share in Nizam alone, surpassing the 9Cr breakeven. With Ceeded rights at 2.8Cr and a 1.85 Cr share collected, a strong second weekend is crucial for breakeven.

In Andhra, the first-week share of 5.3 Cr (including GST) falls short of the 10Cr business ratio, possibly leading to losses without a significant second weekend boost. The total Telugu states share reached 16.35 Cr.Internationally, Hi Nanna comfortably surpassed the 6Cr breakeven in Overseas, securing a 6.25 Cr share.

In the rest of India, the film’s 1.85 Cr share is on track to reach the 2Cr breakeven by the weekend.The film’s global share stands at 24.45 Cr, exceeding an 81% recovery against the 30Cr breakeven, signaling a commendable box office performance.

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